Donors & Surrogates Overseas has specialized in searching donors throughout Latin America and European countries. Thus, these donors happen to be included in our program of international donors. Some donors may travel to USA in order to undergo egg aspiration and, to other cases, egg aspiration will be performed in the country where donors reside.
Times and cycles intended to develop embryos and perform fresh embryo transfer may be scheduled with egg donor and pregnancy-carrying woman / carrier. Another option focuses on cryopreserving the oocytes so that froven eggs may be subsequently shipped from one clinic or egg banking to other countries where embryos will be formed and transferred.
Families from several locations worldwide may extend their family group with egg donors at lower costs than those ones usually pay in USA with American donors. Not all families have the resources to hire an American donor and cope with the costs involved in this process.
We are currently working with the best assisted fertility centers in each country, thus resulting in optimal results both in terms of donor´s previous studies as well as egg-related studies. Our donors and you may choose one of the following three programs as set out below:
Anonymous Donation: In this case, donor ignores who will make use of her oocytes and receiving party / carrier also ignores whom these oocytes come from. Only donor´s health data, profile, photos and, in some cases, a brief video of her are known. No access to donor´s identity data, but her country of origin, is available. A Confidential Agreement is signed.
Open Donation: Here, upon reaching his or her age of majority, donor conceived person has access to donor´s identification data.
Non-Anonymous Donation: Donor has no problem to let intended parents know her identity. Donor may, or may not, have knowledge about the family to which she is donating her gametes. Please contact us to know more details about our programs and trust us with your wish of extending your family. Let us contact your appropriate donor.
Remember we can carry your eggs from one country to another. We handle eggs on hand in nitrogen tanks. Contact us